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Monday, August 23, 2010

The Voice of an Eleven Plus Child

This is always an area of great concern to parents. What happens if the well prepared and highly intelligent child does not do well on the day? With good reason some parents may question the constitution of the eleven plus. Naturally the words: “It is not fair!” could resonate.

We all know that parents can enter the appeal system. This is a genuine attempt by the authorities to give parents every opportunity to present a case. The appeal is attended by parents and even, sometimes, representatives. Children are not welcome.

Could there be a case for a challenge to the system? Could parents argue that their child’s voice should be heard?

“What do you think you could offer to our grammar school?”

“Well I am a good swimmer, I like lots of music and I do lots of reading. I think I would join lots of clubs.”

“Why do you want to come to this school?”

“My mother and father both went to grammar school in this town. I also want to go to grammar sp that I can earn lots of money one day. I want to be a lawyer, you see.”

“Why do you think you found these examinations so hard?”

“To tell the truth I don’t think that I worked hard enough. I always found papers easy – with around 85%. I am top of the school in maths and English. My mum kept on and on at me to do more papers – and I rebelled. I told her `Enough’ – and we argued. Oh dear, I can see where I went wrong, I am only just eleven and think I need another chance.”

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