At this stage of the eleven plus with just a few months to go to the 2011 examinations some parents may be wondering about how well their child will cope in grammar school. The thoughts then may drift languidly to thinking about A Level choices – and then onto university.
A few points may exercise the mind.
Is my child physically and mentally able enough to cope with living on his or her own?
Will my child find it easy to make friends – and will the friends be studious and like minded – or will they drag my child into nefarious activities?
Will the socio-economic background my child comes from mitigate against any social activities or will our lack of millions actually matter?
How well will my child cope with being able to work on his or own without much supervision – or will it come all right on the night? Will he or she take notes? What happens if the contact with the personal tutor is poor or of little impact?
Do I think that my child will come home for holidays or will there be work pursuits, travel opportunities or will there be a desire to study voraciously?
How well will my child fit into the close community of the students’ residence? Will my child share the cooking and cleaning? How well will the washing up be done? Will the bath be cleaned – and by whom? How will my child find time to shop? What happens if there is evidence of political or religious intolerance?
My child has discussed, with me, reasons for attempting the eleven plus examinations. We have looked at local comprehensives and have thought about the impact of independent schools on our finances.
We do want our child to conform and write the eleven plus examination. We just do not want our very precious child to be the `Odd One Out’.
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