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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Just Before the Eleven Plus

There was a famous ruling by the Court of Appeal in 1914 in Rex v. Hulton, 1914. The case was about how a phrase or literary competition could be considered a contest of skill.

A series of set phrases were given by the editors of the major newspapers of the time. The contestants had to think of an art remark, phrase or expression.

Some examples follow:

Way to talk …………….. away with talk

On Sundays …………… pot the roast.

The suggestions on how to do well in were published. Some suggestions include:

• Studying winning lines from various competitions

• Keeping away from obvious answers

• Print answers if the handwriting is not neat.

• If a word or phase has a double meaning – then enclose the words in inverted commas.

• Underline or mark words that should be used for emphasis.

My wife …………… She can’t contradict that.

• Use your dictionary for phrase-making. Take the chief word and look up possible synonyms.

Useful ideas like these may have been the forerunner instruction that parents offer their children just before the Eleven Plus examinations.

When you attempting multiple choice papers:

Eliminate the obviously incorrect answers

Work neatly and carefully

Be careful that you read the question – and answer what you have asked to answer – nout what you think should be in the question.

Avoid humour in your answers – the examiner may not think it as funny as you do.

Above all don’t try to be smart and snappy in your answers. Stick to the task.

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