The Rorschach Test was developed as a projective test. In
projective tests a highly unstructured or ambiguous set of stimuli is
presented. The idea is that the person being tested is encouraged to bring his
or her own unique meanings and organisation to the situation. He or she does
not know what inferences the tester intends to make, and so may reveal some
hidden reaches.
There are ten cards, each of which contains an ink blot.
An eleven plus child doing a multiple choice test would be
urged to consider the four responses carefully and decide on the answer which
best fitted the question. In a Rorschach Test the pupil would be asked to look at
the ink blot designs and ask what might be presented.
In the diagram above one response could be two rabbits
fighting over a lettuce leaf while someone else may suggest a voodoo dancer
spinning between two poles. Could either answer suggest that a child deserves a
grammar school place? Do grammar schools need children who can choose one out
of four answers or creative children who can think for themselves?
A blog by

A Blue Skunk Reader, Ric Nudell, in reaction to last week's post that wondered
if creativity was assessable, wrote:
Your posts on this subject are interesting
and thought-provoking. As a Digital Media teacher I do try to help students
develop creativity (or creative approaches to problem solving.) So...I do need
to give them feedback on it, i.e. assess.
Indicators in Evidence
Generating Ideas
___ Fluency: generated many
___ Flexibility: looked at
problem in a variety of ways
___ Originality: ideas are
different than what is already out there
___ Elaboration: adding
nuance, making ideas richer
___ Symbolic Thinking:
making connections, comparisons, analogies
Digging Deeper into Ideas
___ Analyzing: thinking
about what makes the idea(s) work
___ Synthesizing: putting
one or more ideas together
___ Reorganizing/Redefining:
modifying the original ideas
___ Resolving ambiguity:
clarifying, focusing, refining ideas
___ Working with Complexity:
building relationships, levels
Courage to Explore Ideas
___ Problem sensitivity:
matching solutions to initial problems
___ Curiosity and Risk Taking: out-of-the-box
___ Humor, playfulness, fantasy, feelings:
inner emotional content
___ Integration of dichotomies:
inclusion of opposing concepts
___ Growth: working with
ideas/places that are personally new
Listening to One’s Inner Voice
___ Sense of purpose:
reasons for choices
___ Persistence/Hard work: followed
vision to completion
___ Rejects stereotypes:
concepts move beyond stereotypes
Student: _______(date) Peer: ________ (date) Instructor: _______ (date)
Assessment: Excellent Good Fair Poor
Ric, I am still thinking about this one. It's one of the
most thoughtful attempts at measuring creativity I've seen. I really like that
it is used, as you write, as "a framework for conversations."
But my main question still persists: Do we really want to
evaluate creativity in and of itself - or do we want to evaluate the impact
creativity may have on the effectiveness of a product, a solution, or a task?
I'm guessing you will be asked by many for permission to
use this tool!
Thanks again for allowing me to share.
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