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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Letting Parents off the Hook.

We have a large computer system. We wrote the software to run our tuition centres over a period of years. The software is continually being brought up to date by Brian and Sally. We are grateful to them. etcACTION takes results from tests and converts the results into lesson plans. etcACTION is a perfectly logical tool for a teacher to use.

In the learning environment of an Extra Tuition Centre we naturally hope that one child is as equal as another. So why is it that one child develops so much faster than another? The children will all have supportive parents; they have the same teacher and the same assistants. The lessons are developed by computer – but administered and interpreted by the teaching staff.

So what is it that creates a high level of personal satisfaction in one child – and less in another? Some children grow up with a very positive idea about his or her ability. Other children seem to need a lot more of stimulation and praise.

Why would one child develop quicker than another? Some parents would be more inclined to praise their children than others. A mother and a father will naturally look at their child differently. One or the other may be far more ambitious for their child – and have larger dreams. So the attitude of the parents must help some children develop faster than others. However:

Parents can only do the best they can.

Parents can not write the examination for their children.

If a child does not pass the eleven plus it is not necessarily the fault of the parents.

Parents may not have made the wrong choice of a school.

Parents may not have chosen the wrong tutor.

Parents may not have chosen the wrong papers.

All parents can be is as supportive and realistic as possible.

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