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Sunday, January 28, 2007

How to Make Time to Work.

I was given a book by A.S. Neil when I was training to be a teacher. He commented on the Eleven Plus examination:

“If we were to have an exam at 11, let us make it one for humour, sincerity, imagination, character – and where the examiner could test such qualities.” (A letter to the Daily Telegraph in 1957.)

Mr Neil had many ideas. He thought that children should not be compelled to attend lessons. The school was run on democratic lines with meetings determine school rules and policy. Naturally the children had equal voting rights with the teachers and the Head Teacher.

I should imagine that our eleven plus candidates would love to be taught with humour, sincerity, imagination and character.

Image too if you, as a parent, could try to conduct as many as possible eleven plus sessions with those same attributes.

I wonder too if your child would also display those same characteristics during the course of the lessons.

There may even be enough time to do some work!

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