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Friday, January 15, 2010

Eleven Plus Questions

What is the ultimate purpose of the eleven plus?

Should the eleven plus consider wider aspects than that of simply addressing the ability to pass an examination?

Is the raison d'etre of the eleven plus to help children to learn to think?

Does the examination exist to try to challenge children to solve problems?

Has the examination become distorted by the publishers of eleven plus material?

Does the examination rely too much on old fashioned methods of teaching?

If the eleven plus changed would grammar schools need to change?

Should there be extra eleven plus papers for very bright children?

Will there ever be a drastic reappraisal of the eleven plus>

Will the eleven plus ever return to cover the country?

Is there a place for opponents of the eleven plus?

Is there a taste for the reform of the eleven plus?

Do bright children sometimes fail the eleven plus because the type of examination does not suit?

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