At one it was thought that some girls could be taught home economics.
It was also thought that grammar school
girls would be too busy doing their homework to be able to learn how to prepare
`Sauteed Caramelised Fennel’. It was held that some girls who were not at
grammar school could even be taught how to make an Iced Lemon Layer Cake.
Parents used to have to pay for the ingredients – and were
more likely to pay for their girls learning how to make cakes and pastry. Of
course it was essential that the food needed to be wholesome. Indeed girls who
were not at grammar school needed to be helped to be as much like their mothers
as possible.
The debates about intelligence testing and the inequalities
of selective education did not seem to take much account of gender. Boys who
were `unready’ for grammar schools were thought to be technically minded while
girls were supposed to be given a vocational education – which really meant a domestic
education. Some schools were even fitted with model flats where girls could
practice their skills.
In 1975 the Sex Discrimination Act became law. Classrooms,
teachers and examination boards had to change the way they looked at
education. Naturally,90% of children
selecting `home economics’ were girls – but at least boys could consider
`taking’ an interest.
Eleven plus boards today do not publish the scores of boys
and girls so there is no way we can know if girls find the eleven plus easier
than boys. There could be, however, a further little test that could be offered
to bright pre-grammar school children. As well as working through eleven plus
papers the children could also be asked to prepare `a little something’.
Parents all over the country could be encouraged to help their children learn
some `useful’ and `practical’ skills. What about if all the children had to prepare
one of Delia Smith’s Mascarpone Nutmeg Ice Cream recipes?
Think of the conversation within the family. “Mum, I really
need to work on my Ice Cream recipe.” Better still the chat could be: “Dad, I
really need to work on my Ice Cream recipe.” Even better still: “I love doing
Eleven Plus questions. Please Mum and Dad can we all work together?”
75 ml of mile
Half a nutmeg
1 egg yolk
1 level teaspoon corn flower
75g Caster Sugar
250 g tub of Mascarpone
1 small tub of fromage frais
Instead of children having to work thorough eleven plus
papers – all with remarkably similar questions – children could experiment with
other fillings and toppings! Ice cream every day? Pure delight for some!