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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Alpha and Beta Eleven Plus Tests

An advantage of working with your child on multiple choice papers is that you have the opportunity to talk about examination technique. Eleven plus questions are designed to have one correct answer. Naturally your child will be faced with distractors but this is where you can help.

Of course you will encourage your child to do a modicum of working out before looking at the answers. Your child, after a little practice, should enjoy trying to find the multiple choice answers that simply cannot be correct. You may need to be very positive as your child may feel a little defensive.

You may make the point that multiple choice answers offer the opportunity of being able to guess. If time runs out and there are still some unanswered questions you will, no doubt, suggest guessing the final few answers.

Sometimes children may spend too long on a particular type of question.  You may have covered the topic in great detail but – on the day – help may still be needed. Sometimes it may be better to leave the question or questions and come back to these later on.

One thing is sure – there will be disputes and unhappiness about the actual eleven plus questions and format.  Some parents and children may be concerned about how the tests are put together, others may want to question what is being measured.

During the First World War the Alpha and Beta tests were developed. The Alpha tests were designed for adults who could read and were literate and the Beta tests for the non-readers. One reason for the tests was to try to find the leaders or officers.

The First World War was between 1914 and 1918. The period of 2014 to 2018 is approaching. Will one day there be Alpha and Beta Eleven Plus tests?

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