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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Eleven Plus Laws

“How on earth am I going to help my child learn all this new work?”

“I wonder why the eleven plus has questions like these? How will he/she ever learn?”

“It is a lot of nonsense. In my day children did not have to study like this for examinations. You simply woke up one day and wrote the examination.”

“I used to love working hard at school and I am trying to pass the same love for learning onto my child.”

There are many shades of opinion about the value of the eleven plus. Some children, just like the some of the adults above, seem to love the challenge – while others appear to dislike every moment. To make it easier for some parents here are some basic laws of learning.

Law One – Intensity
The eleven plus requires time, effort and, sometimes, a big push.

Law Two – Organisation
The whole family have to be organised – not just the candidate and his or her parents.

Law Three – Contiguity
This is the well-known law of nearness. If your child learns a new topic then revise it almost immediately, and keep revision as the examination approaches.

Law Four – Exercise
You have to exercise the brain!

Law Five – Effect
A satisfying result is likely to be learned. Satisfaction goes beyond mere pleasure.

Do you remember Polonius?

And these few precepts in thy memory
Look thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue,
Nor any unproportioned thought his act.
Be thou familiar but by no means vulgar.
Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel,

Some children simply hate laws. Some parents hate them too. Use the laws that suit you and your child. Ditch the rest!