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Friday, November 09, 2012

Is there an Eleven Plus fairy?

Do you remember the story of The Sleeping Beauty? King Florestan and his Queen invited all the Fairies to be present as Godmothers to the christening of the infant Princess Aurora. Unfortunately the Fairy Carabosse was forgotten – but she arrived at the ceremony feeling slighted and upset. The other Fairies gave `useful’ gifts – but Fairy Carabosse gave a spindle. She announced that one day Aurora would prick her finger – and die!

Lilac Fairy did not agree – and promised that Aurora would not die but would fall into a deep sleep.

On Aurora’s sixteenth birthday (just as she was to write a few more GCSE examinations) four Princes arrived to woo her. Fairy Carabosse tricked Aurora into pricking her finger – and Fairy Lilac eased her into a deep sleep.

One hundred years later a young Prince found Princess Aurora and woke her with a kiss. There was a big wedding and the Lilac Fairy blessed the young couple.

Eleven plus mothers would be wise to heed this story from long ago. The spindle can be likened to the `Princess Candidate’ arguing with mother. Too many fights during the eleven plus year can lead to wasting time and effort. For some children it may be easier to promote and initiate an argument than actually doing the work. Some parents may choose to remind their daughter that there is no handsome Prince who will appear and supply all the eleven plus answers telepathically during the examination.