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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Salsa and the Eleven Plus

Quite a few millions of people are watching `Strictly Come Dancing’ year. It seems that the popularity of the series continues to grow. One of the dances that appears to grip the imagination of the judges and the watching public is the Salsa.

The word salsa means to `spice it up’.  The dance incorporates many different styles – from cha cha cha to the rumba and the mambo.  Salsa music generally has a rhythm of four beats to the bar – but the dancers use three steps per bar. A `quick’ is one beat while the `slow’ has two beats. The percussion instruments of bongos and maracas give salsa music its rhythm.

The next time you and your partner sit down with your child to work through elements of an eleven plus paper think of your child listening to the two of you working together.

In one of the steps in Salsa, the backward step, the man steps back on the left foot, leaving the right foot in place. (Count - quick)
The woman moves back on the right foot leaving the left foot in place. (Count – quick)
The man transfers his body weight forward onto the right foot. (Count – quick)
The woman transfers her weight onto the left foot. (Count – quick)
The man closes his left foot to the right foot. (Count - slow)
The woman closes the right foot to the left foot. (Count – slow)

Now ask your eleven plus candidate to read these instructions aloud while you and your partner execute these steps – and try to follow the learning sequence. If you understand what is expected of you the first time you are both worthy eleven plus parents. If there is a hesitation and a little frustration then try to imagine your child’s feelings as he or she meets a new eleven plus concept.

If the two of you start arguing over who goes forward and who goes back– and your child watches with joy and pleasure – then you know you really are proper eleven plus parents!